![]() When you have an acute medical need like sudden cold or flu symptoms, piercing back pain, or even a weird rash, who should you call first? The answer for many healthcare issues is to call a family physician. The exception to this is, of course, medical emergencies. Medical emergencies require an immediate visit to the emergency room. The problem with this is that the emergency room or urgent care center is the primary source of care for many people. In fact, this is one reason why we as a country spend more on healthcare than anyone else, and why we rank far below the top in overall health. Finding and using a family medicine doctor for you and your family can help this situation. Continue reading for the benefits of having a family physician. 1. Family Doctors Stay With You For Life Family medicine physicians can treat infants, toddlers, children, teenagers and adults. It is not uncommon for a family medicine doctor to see their patients for decades of their lives. Since these physicians have the skills to treat a wide range of medical conditions, they can be your primary care doctor at any point in your life. This helps you build a great relationship with your physician that will last a lifetime. 2. Family Doctors Learn Your History & Your Family History When a doctor is able to treat you for years of your life, they develop a keen understanding of you and your medical history. This helps your doctor to make accurate diagnoses and monitor you more closely for any changes or red flags in your health screenings. In addition to keeping track of your medical history, a family doctor can understand what is happening in their patients’ home lives. For example, if a child’s parent just lost their job, the physician can accurately assess the child’s stress and anxiety. 3. Family Doctors Do More Than Just Yearly Exams While family medicine doctors perform your yearly check-ups, they also are there to help you navigate chronic medical issues such as diabetes, heart disease, asthma and arthritis. They can also treat your acute medical conditions like injuries and many infections, help you through stressful times and keep you well throughout. 4. When You Need a Specialist, They’ll Find The Best One For You Sometimes issues arise that require consultation with or care from a specialist. These can include serious issues like heart disease and cancer. When you or someone in your family develops one of these conditions, your family physician can find someone who fits your exact needs and personality. 5. Family Doctors Improve Lives While Saving Money It should come as no surprise that using more primary care doctors, including family doctors, saves money for individuals and for the healthcare system. In areas of the country where there are more primary care doctors per person, people are less likely to be hospitalized and death rates for cancer, heart disease, and stroke are lower. This was also proven by a study in Rhode Island that showed that a 23% increase in primary care spending resulted in an 18% reduction in overall healthcare spending. A primary care-based system costs less because patients experience better access, fewer hospitalizations, less duplication and more coordinated care. Finding a family doctor for your family’s medical needs could save you and your country money, and more importantly, improve the health of your family.
8/7/2017 06:53:36 pm
Family doctors seem to be really great. I like the idea of seeing someone who knows my family history, and my personal health history. Plus, I'm sure we'd build a friendship, so that'd be great. I'd feel more comfortable talking to a friend.
8/25/2017 07:26:55 am
I like how you mentioned that a family doctor who has worked with you for years develops an understanding of your medical history. Being able to trust them with the information they have without having to give it all to them over again would be really nice. Doctor's are important to helping us understand how to better take care of our bodies so anything we can do to help them do their jobs would be beneficial.
9/13/2017 06:41:13 pm
My brother is trying to find a family practice clinic and I wanted to read a little about the benefits of choosing this type of care. I like that the doctor will get to know your history in your family and accurately assess things like stressors. This is important to get an accurate diagnosis.
9/25/2017 04:32:06 pm
I like how you mentioned that a family doctor gets familiar with your family history and keeps a detailed record of such. This can make a big difference in getting proper and accurate diagnoses. Someone that is familiar with you and your family will have the information necessary to get you the help you need.
I've been thinking about times that my family and I can utilize urgent care services, and I think that you talking about emergency situations helped me answer that question! I think that being able to have a family doctor that we could go to for checkups, as well as a designated urgent care center would be great for my family. In that case we care covered for emergency situations by the urgent care center and our regular health checkups will be done by our family doctor! Thanks for your article!
10/2/2017 06:00:19 pm
My husband and I are thinking about using a family practice clinic for our kids' medical needs. So I appreciate you mentioning that the doctors that work at these centers are able to offer both normal checkups and manage chronic disorders. Since my son has diabetes, we will definitely be using a family practice clinic that will be able to help him manage his chronic illness.
10/6/2017 08:44:15 am
Thanks for explaining some of the reasons to have a family doctor. I'm glad that you mentioned that they can understand more about the family's medical history and understand more about what's happening their lives. It seems like a great way to maybe even see and document any changes that could happen to certain family members over time, and fix any problems that could arise quickly because of it.
10/6/2017 02:40:29 pm
It's good to know that a family doctor is well versed to aiding an infant to its full adult stage. I'll find one that'll suit our family. Thanks for the great read!
10/23/2017 01:06:25 pm
Growing up, we've had difficulties tracking down our medical history due to having multiple doctors having our files. So my wife and I have decided that we are consolidating all our health files under one account and have one physician take care of it for us. Thanks for the great tips!
10/23/2017 09:16:37 pm
I think it's good to know that a family doctor can tend to their patients for a long time. This would really be beneficial especially for a growing family like ours. A family doctor will not only be able to provide primary care to me, but also to the rest of my family members. I'll make sure that I find a good one.
I've been wanting to find a good medical center for my family, and I think that being able to get some information would be good. I'm glad you talked about how a family doctor can do more than just exams, which I think would be good. I'm going to have to see if we can find a good medical center and family doctor we could use! Thanks!
12/28/2017 05:26:13 pm
I like how you mentioned that a family doctor can understand what is happening in patients' home lives and make accurate assessments. My family could use a new doctor that can address multiple needs that we have. Perhaps getting a family doctor would be the best kind of doctor we should look for.
2/6/2018 04:24:45 pm
Thanks for your comment about how you should choose a family doctor because they are very helpful when you want to come in for check-ups throughout the year. I like ow yous aid that they can help you treat conditions that could lead to worse illnesses or injuries in the future. My husband and I just moved to a new town, and we are looking for family doctors near us.
2/27/2018 03:19:29 pm
Thanks for explaining how family doctors can improve lives while you can save money. My family and I just moved across the country to a place near extended family, and we need to find a new doctor. We will try looking for family doctors that will allow us to save money and will be easy to communicate with.
3/21/2018 11:54:51 am
I like that this pointed out that family doctor's can find patterns in the history of a family's illnesses and more properly diagnose problems such as depression. My friend has depression, so I think this could be beneficial for both her family and future family when she gets married. I think another benefit of family doctors is that any young children get used to their presence and feel comfortable telling them all their symptoms.
4/25/2018 09:20:24 am
Thank you for mentioning that family doctors can help you when you need to navigate through chronic diseases. I have been wondering why I need to have one, but my family has a history of heart disease. It would be really helpful to have someone to guide us through everything if something came up.
7/17/2018 03:44:22 pm
Having a doctor that knows your family history and that knows your family is definitely one of the greatest benefits of having a family doctor. I would imagine that staying with one doctor can really help when trying to diagnose something since they have knowledge of any pre-existing conditions. My sister has been looking at getting a primary care physician; I will be sure to share this with her.
7/18/2018 11:28:37 pm
I really appreciate you helping me learn that family doctors stay with us. I found it really interesting that is why I am now looking for one. A family doctor is a part of the family I supposed, which is also based on how we call them!
7/19/2018 01:05:27 am
Glover Family Medicine thanks for sharing 5 Benefits Of Having A Family Doctor. All of these points are valuable. I think a family care doctors offer caring relationships by building a rapport with patients through getting to know them individually and extending their care over a long time-frame.
7/24/2018 12:11:47 pm
Having a family doctor makes a lot of sense. I like how you said that they do all sorts of things other than a yearly exam. Having someone to go to for chronic conditions and checkups would be helpful, I think.
7/30/2018 08:49:56 pm
I agree that you want to consider if a doctor will take the time to learn your history. It would be good to consider their willingness to do this because it would show that they care. I'm looking for a new family doctor, so I'll have to find one that takes time to learn my history.
8/8/2018 09:28:02 pm
I just loved the way the blog has been written and the benefits of having family doctor explanation is just fabulous. The information shared is so just simple and up-to the point.
8/27/2018 11:19:04 pm
I like that you pointed out how family doctors will stay with us for life. It is important to find a family doctor that can take care of kids and adults. I just got married and now pregnant with twins. I'll be sure to find a family doctor that can help take care of my whole family.
9/4/2018 09:09:41 am
Thanks for pointing out that a family doctor will understand your family's medical history and will therefore be able to make more accurate diagnoses and watch for warning signs of common issues. My family just moved to a new area, so I've been trying to figure out the details of our medical care. I'll definitely follow your advice and choose a family doctor who will understand my family's medical history!
9/6/2018 10:39:28 am
I liked what you said about how when a doctor gets to know you for years of your life, they develop a keen understanding of your and your medical history. I want to get my kids to a new doctor since we're moving out of state and I'm hoping to get my kids a good doctor who will know our family for a long time. Thank you for the information about how this knowledge helps the doctor makes accurate diagnoses and monitor you closely.
9/27/2018 10:15:14 am
I love that you say a family doctor will learn about your family medical history and because they will continue to treat you for years in the future, they will be able to monitor your health closely and find any potential issues before they become larger problems. Also, the fact that you will build a great relationship with your physician would definitely make going to the doctor easier and more enjoyable. My husband and I are looking for a doctor because we just moved to a new area and I think that a family doctor could provide the type of personal care we are looking for.
10/24/2018 07:14:43 pm
It got my attention when you said that one benefit of having a family physician is that they can help find a specialist in case the person is suffering from a serious health condition. If so, then I will look for a doctor ASAP since I do know that the family has a history of heart ailments. That way, we have someone to help me avoid making my condition worse if not totally prevent them from occurring.
10/31/2018 07:47:50 pm
I never knew that getting a primary care doctor can help find other doctors that can treat a certain disease. Speaking of doctors, both my grandparents want to still have their annual checkups and stay at home without fear of stress. In order to help keep their health in check, I will find a clinic that can not only give them an annual checkup at home but also be able to answer during a medical emergency at home as well.
1/21/2019 10:46:17 pm
Cool! I never knew that getting a family doctor can help everyone navigate through diabetes or asthma. With that, I thought that I should find one for my friend. She says that all her relatives have some form of anemia. Should I look for a general family clinic or find a specialized one for their condition?
Jamie Glover
1/22/2019 06:00:20 pm
You can look for a general family medicine clinic/family practice clinic. They can do initial testing and then help your friend decide if she needs to go to a hematologist or other specialist or not.
2/4/2019 01:05:21 pm
It would be good to have a doctor who could refer me to someone who could take care of a specific problem. If a general practitioner can help me out with that, then I would want to find one soon. Maybe I should find one soon that could help out my family.
2/5/2019 11:38:07 am
Having a doctor for my family to go to makes a lot of sense. I like how you said that they can help navigate chronic medical problems like asthma. My son has asthma, so it'd be good to have a doctor we could go to for all his treatment.
2/13/2019 06:58:24 pm
It's great that this article explains how family doctors can stay with you throughout every stage of your life, from infants to adults, and they're able to treat a wide range of medical conditions. Since this is the case, it would probably be a good idea to ensure you thoroughly research the various family medical practices in your area. You could do this by reading reviews and checking out their website as well as visiting the practices you're considering so you can meet the doctors to ask questions and discuss your situation in order to find one that you're comfortable with that can provide the care you require.
2/26/2019 09:38:37 pm
Thanks for explaining that family doctors do a lot more than just your yearly checkups. I like that they can help with any chronic conditions. I have an immune disorder that I need to monitor. Maybe I should find a doctor that can help me do that.
I liked that you mentioned that when you have a family doctor, they will perform more than just early exams. I would imagine that when you have a family doctor your whole life, a relationship is created between the doctor and the patient. This would instill genuine care in your medical professional and he/she would often perform exams to ensure your health. I will definitely make sure to find a good family doctor that I can visit regularly.
7/16/2019 07:05:49 am
I like what you explained how family doctors can improve your life and helps you can save money. My parents and I just moved across the states, and we need to find a new doctor. We will look for family doctors that could benefit us by saving money and will be easy to communicate with.
8/28/2019 05:23:36 pm
II liked what you said about how a family doctor can see someone for decades of life. My uncle has just moved to a new are and is looking to find a family doctor. He would really like to get a professional to take care of his family.
9/4/2019 07:58:32 am
I liked that you mentioned a family doctor can stay with you and your loved ones for life. My husband and I are new in town, and we are looking for advice to find a doctor since we are planning to stay here for many years. I will let him know about a family doctor to treat our whole family for the years to come.
10/11/2019 11:10:56 am
I loved how you mentioned that family doctors stay with you for life! My husband and I are wanting to find a doctor. We'll have to look into hiring a family doctor!
10/29/2019 06:27:54 pm
Good article. Having an access to quality primary care can improve the quality of life of anyone. As they would be able spend their lives at ease knowing that they a good family doctor that regularly checks if there's any on their health.
11/6/2019 10:27:15 am
I liked what you said about family medicine doctors being there to help with any chronic or acute medical injuries that happen even if they don't spring up during your checkup. My brother just moved to another town last month and is looking to get care for a pre-existing condition that hasn't been treated properly. I will recommend he find a good family practice that will see his issue through to the end so that he doesn't feel abandoned or alone.
11/18/2019 05:21:01 am
I never thought about the fact that if you have one doctor throughout your life, because they know your medical history, when a situation arises, they will better be able to determine what the situation is. I would like to not have to explain my long patient history every time I go see the doctor. I'll have to start doing the research into finding a permanent family doctor.
11/19/2019 05:04:19 pm
Wow, I never thought about family doctors the way you put it. I liked that you said they can treat you for decades of your life as the treat all ages and have a wide range of skills. My sister is thinking of finding a doctor who can help take care of her, her husband, and their four children. I think it could be nice to have one physician for the whole family.
12/26/2019 02:09:18 pm
I found it interesting that your tip about ho family doctors are able to learn about you but also your family history which let's be better able to diagnose symptoms. My husband and I didn't grow up with a family doctor since we both moved around so much. I think that once we have kids I will let him know the benefits of having a single doctor who can treat the whole family.
3/24/2020 10:37:15 am
I loved how you said that it's not uncommon for a family doctor to see certain patients for decades and that this can provide them with a deep understanding to your meditcal history and home lives. My three kids and I just moved to Cinncinnati for my real estate job. We are needing to find a primary care provider and would love to stay with them for a long time.
5/14/2020 08:43:09 am
I like what you said about using a family doctor since they'll be able to refer you to a specialist if you need one. My sister has been telling me about how she wants to make sure that family is as healthy as possible in the coming weeks. I'll share this information with her so that she can look into her options for medical practitioners who can help her with this.
7/21/2020 01:43:55 pm
My aunt has been thinking about getting some better medical care for her family so that her two kids can be safer because they are going getting into trouble and getting hurt. She would really like to get some help from a professional so that they can see them the same day that they are hurt. I'll be sure to tell her about how they will be able to grow a relationship with them over the lifetime of their kids and they will be able to make more accurate diagnoses.
9/18/2020 06:01:53 am
I never thought about that fact that a family doctor will be able to stay with you for life. They can treat toddlers, children and adults, which allows all the family to be able to go to the same place. We recently had our first child, and are looking for a place to take her for all her checkups. I will have to keep a family care doctor in mind as we make our decision.
10/12/2020 09:13:49 pm
I agree when you mentioned that going to a family doctor can ensure your family medical records are on a good track as they record everything for you. Since my family and I just moved to a new town last month, I am thinking to look for a reliable medical center for our family. I will keep in mind to find the right clinic that can provide the best medical treatments so my family medical records are being monitored constantly.
11/27/2020 09:18:20 pm
I appreciate that this post mentioned that one of the benefits of hiring a family doctor is that they can properly diagnose us and give us the right medications. My dad has been sick. I think I will look into hiring a family doctor.
1/20/2021 11:08:45 am
Thank you for pointing out that it's important to get a primary care doctor because they will learn your medical history. I want to make sure that I receive proper medical care in the future, so I'm thinking about finding primary care doctor. I'm going to search for a good provider of primary care services in my area to use.
1/25/2021 11:30:39 am
I'm glad you talked about how having a family doctor has many advantages for your family. My sister's just moved to another part of town, and since she has two little kids, she wants to find a doctor for them. She always wants to be prepared, and if any of her kids get sick, she wants to have a doctor that she trusts. That's why I think this article will help her. I appreciate you helping me learn about how a family doctor stays with you and your family for your whole life.
2/4/2021 11:41:58 am
It's great that you mentioned it's important to have a family doctor that'll stay with your family for years to come. My sister just moved from her old house into another area, and the other day she mentioned her daughter felt unwell and needed to find a doctor for her. I think now that she moved, she needs to get a doctor that's closer to her house and her kid's school. I'm sure that she'll find your information useful. Thanks for the tips about why having a family doctor for your kids is a must.
3/3/2021 11:59:10 am
I really like the idea of having a lasting relationship with my kids' physician. They could help me understand everything that I need to do as my kids grow up. I know that is many years down the road but I can't help but worry about it now.
6/1/2021 05:50:15 am
My wife and I moved into a new area, and we don't have a doctor to visit. It makes sense that I would want to find the best possible doctor for this. I'll be sure to visit one that has a lot of experience with medical care.
It really helped when you said that having a family doctor will ensure that the history of your family will be in their records for future use. I hope to find one that we can trust and who can offer services in our home. It's because my dad can no longer walk far because of his mobility issues which we need to get checked and see if he can still be treated.
6/18/2021 08:32:36 am
One of my friends recently moved, so she wants to find a new primary care service for her and her three kids. Thanks for explaining how family doctors can help patients for decades and can treat many different medical conditions. Maybe it would help for her to go online to research primary care centers and doctors that can keep her and her kids happy and healthy.
6/23/2021 02:11:44 pm
I appreciate that this post reminded us that when looking for a family doctor in a primary care center, it is important for us to look at their qualifications. It makes sense as in doing so, it will be certain that they can offer the best care. I will definitely keep this information in mind for future references.
6/25/2021 08:23:07 am
I love that you mentioned that family doctors can do yearly exams and help with other small issues. I would love to get a family doctor so my kids can start going to yearly exams to make sure they're staying healthy. I think it's so important to check up on your health every year.
7/2/2021 07:46:48 am
I am glad to hear that family medicine physicians can take over as your primary care doctor because of their ability to treat so many medical conditions. I'd like to find a nice clinic first though. The other people working at the clinic will show me if it is worth going there from now on.
7/11/2021 09:32:45 pm
I agree with you that it's best to hire a family doctor since the latter will be able to attend to any type of health issues anytime. Thank you for sharing here as well that the said doctor will provide legit findings and diagnoses. Anyhow, if I were to look for a family doctor, I would make sure to verify his license and experiences.
I like that you pointed out that a family medicine provider will be able to understand what is happening in their patients' home lives because of being aware of their history. I guess it would be best for my family to also have this kind of healthcare provider. It would protect us from having serious illnesses, especially my youngest son who was prematurely born. So he has to be checked regularly as well as his history monitored.
8/3/2021 10:51:40 am
I like that you mentioned that while family doctors do yearly exams they can also help you with injuries or most other medical conditions. I remember when I broke my arm as a kid that my family doctor put the cast on and took it off. It was really nice that I could see a doctor that I already was familiar with for that injury.
8/10/2021 11:03:53 am
I like that you mentioned that family doctors can be your primary doctor at any point in your life. My wife has been seeing her doctor since she was a baby and now we take our kids to the same doctor. It is really cool that she has been able to help generations of the same family!
9/10/2021 05:11:29 pm
It's great to know that physicians can have the skills to treat a wide range of conditions. I hope that we can find a trusted professional for same-day medical service for my son. It's because of the allergic reaction he has been having with dust, and it can be concerning at times due to the way he breathes.
9/23/2021 08:00:59 pm
Thanks for helping me understand that a family doctor will be able to give accurate diagnoses and monitor you closely. I hope we find acute medical care with a family doctor for my grandmother. It's to help her get better now that she can't move her legs anymore.
10/19/2021 11:13:29 am
I appreciate what you said about family doctors knowing your family history. I want to get a new family doctor for us. I think it'd be nice if they worked at a med clinic as well.
10/24/2021 05:54:14 am
I love how you mentioned that family doctors improve lives while saving money because primary care based systems give patients to experience better access, fewer hospitalization and a more coordinated care. My husband and I want are looking for a medical services that we can stick to for a long time. I will look for a medical center near me with primary care doctors to so that it improves our live and saves money at the same times.
12/21/2021 10:22:57 pm
I just love reading this blog. All the keypoints are very well mentioned. I will surely share this blog with others. Thank you so much for sharing this blog and have a good day.
2/22/2022 05:06:47 pm
Thank you for sharing informative content. It means a lot to me hope you do more articles to post.
3/2/2022 12:49:28 am
It was fascinating to know that aside from annual exams, family doctors also assist you in treating chronic medical cases. My kids are growing up, so I am also considering getting a physician for my family. I will start now my search for a family practice physician that's competent and friendly.
8/3/2022 09:50:07 pm
I like that you brought up the benefits of having a family doctor. Among the benefits would be the medical history. The doctor can treat you for years of your life. They develop a keen understanding of you and your medical history. This helps your doctor to make accurate diagnoses and monitor you more closely for any changes or red flags in your health screenings. The proper monitoring of your health condition will be beneficial. My family has a doctor that has our medical history.
9/14/2022 07:28:19 pm
Nice article! Thanks for sharing this informative post. Keep posting!
9/16/2022 10:42:03 am
I love how you talk about how having a family doctor will help you find specialists for anything needed as it comes up. My sister and her kids just recently moved and she's been looking for a new doctor to take her kids to. Finding a new family doctor can be scary but she's written down a list of concerns and past issues so the new doctor will know all about their medical history so they can be properly treated.
9/20/2022 05:38:06 pm
I like the tip that you gave that a wide range of healthcare is the advantage of a family physician. A couple of days ago, my daughter's cough and cold were getting worse, and my wife asked if I had any idea whom we should get in touch with for safety. I'm glad about this instructive article, I'll tell my wife that we should consult a well-known primary care physician to get a complete checkup.
9/21/2022 07:25:41 am
Sincerely appreciated. I'm grateful for this wonderful article. Keep sharing!
11/13/2022 08:46:50 pm
Very informative. Thanks for sharing your article. Looking forward to your latest blog.
11/15/2022 04:11:26 pm
Great tip about having a family doctor nearby for the speediness of response. My son has a weird stomach issue and has to go to the hospital frequently. Hopefully, he can get a doctor that does house calls to make it easier for him.
11/28/2022 11:33:43 pm
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11/30/2022 10:03:38 am
Thank you for explaining how family doctors can help with more than just your annual visits. I've been wondering what kind of doctor we should find. We've just moved to a new area, so it would be helpful to find someone soon.
12/29/2022 12:16:35 pm
I really like how you said that family doctors can help with chronic medical issues and injuries. My husband and I are moving to a new city in a couple of weeks, and since we need to find a doctor to see in our new area, I was wondering if choosing a family one would be a good idea. I appreciate you helping me learn more about the advantages of seeing one!
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Having a family doctor brings numerous benefits that greatly enhance your health and well-being. One of the most significant advantages is continuity of care; a family doctor gets to know you and your medical history, which allows for more personalized and effective treatment. They can spot patterns in your health and provide early detection of potential issues, leading to better long-term health outcomes.
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8/23/2024 09:08:43 pm
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8/23/2024 09:25:10 pm
8/23/2024 09:36:40 pm
Thank for sharing this inform
8/24/2024 01:36:26 am
8/29/2024 11:23:04 pm
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9/11/2024 09:45:11 pm
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Having a family doctor offers numerous benefits, providing personalized and continuous healthcare for all members of your family. They understand your medical history, which leads to more accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. A family doctor also builds a trusted relationship with you, making it easier to discuss health concerns openly. From preventive care and routine check-ups to managing chronic conditions, they ensure consistent, long-term care and can guide you to specialists if needed. Ultimately, a family doctor offers convenience, familiarity, and a holistic approach to keeping your family healthy.
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